These eleven-foot ceilings and hardwood floors causes the temperature in my apartment to be even colder that it is outdoors. I would turn on my heat, but this 1950's space heater is a little frightening and I'm not quite ready for my gas bill to rob my pockets of what little money I have.
Despite wearing a parka at all times, life is good. School is going well with the exception of mathematical struggles and Bowling Green is becoming less and less boring each week.
I decided to start a new story over fall break. Kathy Brock is a fun-loving lady from Franklin, TN who has just recently overcame severe brain trauma due to an accident she had while fox-hunting. Both her and her horse, Sultan have exceeded the expectations of their friends and family and competed in the Middle Tennessee Horse Trials this past weekend. I shot the competition and plan on also shooting Kathy's daily struggles since her accident, and how she has fought to continue to do what she loves. This story is difficult to shoot since a large portion of it is in the past tense. If you have any advice as to how to shoot this please let me know.
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