Golden light pours through the windows of my parents outdated kitchen as I scribble what will soon be a five-page research paper on the life of a ciggarette (which I can't even spell). The command keys in Photoshop are causing my fingers to cramp up, and my brain is so tired of bouncing portfolio ideas off itself, I've moved on to daydreaming. Nashville, Tennessee smells of suffocating pollen highlighted by the screaming glow of golden hour. Although I have experienced Daylight Savings twenty times in my life, the sudden darkness around four-thirty is still quite shocking. Home is strange these days. When I'm here it feels like I'm hiding. The movie "Garden State" suddenly makes sense. I guess I'm now searching for a new idea of home; or atleast a place to seem familiar. I'll continue thinking while you continue internet surfing. Enjoy this weekend of thanks :)..